Enlace GR 11 - GR 18
Refugio Cap de Llauset - Embalse de Llauset - L'Campament - Bordas de Nestui (enlace GR 18)
It leaves from the Refugio de Cap de Llauset towards the Ibón de Botornás, which it skirts along its left shore. It continues downhill to turn southeast towards Ibón de Llauset, which it also skirts along its left shore. Passing the path that ascends to Col d´Anglios and Estanys d´Anglios on the left, continue straight until you reach the parking lot. There, a long tunnel provides access to the dam of the Llauset reservoir. A pedestrian path begins at the start of the dam and descends, carved into the steep slopes of the left bank of the river Llauset gorge. After zigzagging through the grassland, the path almost reaches the bottom of the valley, at which point it crosses a stream and begins to climb gently up hillside grasslands until reaching the Collado de L'Acampament, where it links up with the trail that runs from Aneto to the Llauset dam. Next to the Cubiello spring, the footpath leaves the trail and continues its descent between meadows and rock until crossing the Lo Clot ravine. After entering the pine forest and hiking over a strip of rocky schist, the footpath opens to a small stream, next to which the Llauset trail and the GR 18 pass. From here, where Nestuí huts are located, continue walking along the path to the town of Aneto, less than an hour and a half away.
Datos MIDE
3h 5'
+Info on FAM trails
Previous stage
Transport services
Alsa. Aneto - Montañana - Benabarre line (daily). 902 422 242. www.alsa.es
Alsa. Pla de l'Ermita - Taüll - Viella - Esterri d'Àneu - Espot line. 902 422 242. www.alsa.es
Alsa. Lérida - Viella line (daily). 902 422 242. www.alsa.es
Taxi Montanuy (689 791 819 / 699 948 382 / 630 088 225 / 679 956 870 / 650 935 032) and Bonansa (622 192 684).
Safe Mountain

El GR 11 o Senda Pirenaica recorre los Pirineos desde el cabo Higer, frente al Atlántico, hasta el Cap de Creus, ante el Mediterráneo, a través de las comunidades de Euskadi, Navarra, Aragón y Cataluña, y el Principat de Andorra. Son más de 1.000 km por la montaña hispana más agreste, por los principales paisajes y ecosistemas de la cordillera pirenaica, atravesando los parques nacionales de Ordesa y Monte Perdido, y Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, varios parques naturales y, en tierras aragonesas, los Monumentos Naturales de los Glaciares Pirenaicos.
Este primer volumen recoge las 22 etapas del GR 11 correspondientes a Euskadi, Navarra y Aragón.